Wednesday, January 12, 2011

NIA's Top 10 Predictions for 2011

From article:

The National Inflation Association is pleased to announce its top 10 predictions for 2011.

1) The Dow/Gold and Gold/Silver ratios will continue to decline.

2) Colleges will begin to go bankrupt and close their doors.

3) U.S. retailers will report declines in profit margins and their stocks will decline.

4) The mainstream public will begin to buy gold.

5) We will see a huge surge in municipal debt defaults.

6) We will see a large decline in the crude oil/natural gas ratio.

7) The median U.S. home will decline sharply priced in silver.

8) Food inflation will become America's top crisis.

9) QE2 will disappoint and the Federal Reserve will prepare QE3.

10) Sarah Palin will announce she is running for President as a Republican.