Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Obesity: A Governmental Epidemic

According to a February 28 CNN-Opinion poll
Fifty-six percent of people questioned...  say they think the federal government's become so large and powerful that it poses an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens. Forty-four percent of those polled disagree.

LA 4 Liberty is not surprised; neither is Justin Raimondo of Antiwar.com.  In his recent column, The Road to Dictatorship, next stop: martial law?, Mr. Raimondo is gravely concerned that:
The government’s "right" to read our emails, seize our property, hold us as "enemy combatants," and otherwise trample on the Constitution has been expanding at an exponential pace.

Last week, Congress voted to extend three provisions of the so-called U.S.A. P.A.T.R.I.O.T Act (aka Patriot Act) for another year.   

You can see how your Representative voted here.

But if you do that you'll think we've sent you to the wrong link.  You'll see that the title on the bill is "Medicare Physician Payment Reform Act."

You see, H.R. 3961 originally started with that title and subject, and it passed the House in November. Then, this past Wednesday, Majority Leader Harry Reid ripped the guts out of the bill and replaced it with the Patriot extensions. The Senate then passed that version of the bill and sent it back to the House, where it was approved Thursday night.

Now, you may be asking, where's the link to the Senate roll call vote?

Well, there isn't one. The bill passed by Unanimous Consent, which means a voice vote.