Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Only Ron Paul's Budget Plan Can Save the Economy | Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

Who says this? Reports ABC News: 
"Talk show host and conservative political commentator Rush Limbaugh told his listeners that genuine, big spending cuts are the only things that are going to bring the U.S. economy back into balance. 'But nobody on our side's ever really seriously proposed it, and Ron Paul's going to,' said Limbaugh. 
"Who disagrees with Rush about Paul's bold $1 trillion in cuts? Reports ABC News: 
"Newt Gingrich, the former House speaker and Paul's 2012 Republican rival, labeled the plan 'a non-starter. 
"Who else disagrees with Limbaugh and Paul? Reports ABC News: 
"Herman Cain, the latest Republican presidential candidate to see a surge in the polls, hinted that Paul's drastic approach to budget cutting won't work. 'If you listen to his positions on a lot of things, it's always, 'Let's throw out the baby with the bathwater,' Cain told CNN." 
Again, only big and significant cuts are going to turn this economy around. Limbaugh gets it. Gingrich and Cain not only don't get it, they won't even try.Neither will any of the other candidates. 
In the ongoing discussion about Republicans voters' choice for president this election, the media continues to gab about the supposed pros and definite cons of Cain's 9-9-9, Mitt Romney's plan to make big government more Republican, Rick Perry's new budget that changes little to nothing, and Gingrich's continuing lack of any plan yet constant recommendations that we check out his website. 
As Limbaugh has noted, even if unintentionally—real conservatives do not have multiple choices in this election.There's Ron Paul, and then there's the economically bankrupt status quo. Period.