Sunday, June 12, 2011

The World According to Doug Casey by Doug Casey, Casey Research

Here’s a collection of some classic quotations from Doug Casey...

“Foreign aid might be defined as a transfer of money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries.”

“[What politicians are doing] is not only the wrong thing, it is the exact opposite of the right thing.”

“The Constitution in the U.S. is a dead letter. It has been parsed and interpreted out of existence.”

“Things are going to be so bad, they’re going to be even worse than I think they’ll be.”

“I am more than a libertarian; I don’t believe in the right of the state to exist. The state is unnecessary for society to exist. Everything that needs to be done can be done by the market.”

“The U.S. dollar will eventually reach its intrinsic value.”  [Which will be zero.]

“Remember that through most of U.S. history, residential real estate was not viewed as an investment. You didn’t buy a house to make yourself wealthy selling it to someone else. It was viewed as an expensive consumer good that depreciated – you bought or built a house to live in it, just as you bought clothes to wear or a horse to ride. It was just a part of life – a necessity, a convenience, but an expense.”
“You don’t own your property. Try not paying your real estate taxes for a year or two, you’ll find out who really owns your property.”

“Gold will not just go through the roof, it will go to the moon. The gold mania has not even started.”

“Your biggest risk today is not an investment risk – it is a political risk. So you’ve got to diversify politically. This is absolutely critical.”

“One of the definitions of stupidity is an inability to correlate cause and effect.”

“When the food riots start in New York, LA, London, Paris, etc., I want to be good and far away.”

“I only like to do something when the odds are stacked heavily in my favor.”

“Currencies are artificial abstracts created out of thin air by the governments.”
“Increasingly desperate states will be the greatest risk to your wealth.”