For the past two decades, I identified myself as a Republican. I have voted Republican my entire political life. I even showed up in 2008 (holding my nose mind you) and voted for John McCain.
I was introduced to Ron Paul during the 2008 election, and for any of you who check this blog on a daily basis, you can easily see I am still a huge fan. I am drawn to a foreign policy of non-intervention, the idea that we have responsibility for our own freedom in this country, and the philosophy of fair taxation to all Americans.
During this GOP election process, I have seen a paradigm shift inside of me. I am still a huge supporter of Ron Paul. But watching how he has been treated by not only the media, but by his "fellow" party members, my eyes have been opened. My eyes see a GOP establishment that wants power by any means. Power through a flip-flopping moderate such as Romney (aka, Ken doll). Power through a lobbying, moral hypocrite and chicken hawk such as Newt (not to mention the fact that he's just plain mean). Power through a denying former lobbyist and war-monger such as Santorum (he looks like an 8 year old trying to wear his daddy's suit). The GOP is willing to run over anyone that gets in their way, including Ron Paulites and even their own base. I don't want another hypocritical, neo-con who keeps raising the debt. Bush was scary, scary indeed.
I'm seeing reruns of the 2000 elections: anyone but that lying, cheating Clinton. But as I look back, the Clinton years don't look so bad. Taxes were high, but we could afford it. Other countries looked to us in admiration (but not in fear), debt was down, and a booming economy surrounded us. Maybe I'm having an identity crisis. I don't know who I am any more. Am I a Republican? Am I a Democrat? Maybe I'm an Independent, trying to see the good in each party, wishing to see more options to my political views. Heck, I have more options with my cell phone coverage, than I do in the "most democratic country in the world". Maybe a word for me is "disenfranchised". A small part, being part of a larger group, but then that large group leaves me with a message I don't agree with. I'm harkened back to that old Ronald Reagan saying..."I didn't leave the Democrat party, it left me".
Maybe the Republican party has left me.
I realize that Ron Paul will not become president. I'm a realist, and I've accepted this. But my other options for the presidential GOP nominations are deplorable. Newt? Romney? Santorum? No way to all of the above. These are the best candidates the Republican party has to offer up?
What all of this has caused me to do is take a closer look at my only other option (besides not voting, of course): Obama. Who is this quiet President we have? Andrew Sullivan most recently pointed out in a Newsweek article that the Right calls him a socialist, the Left says he sucks up to Wall Street, and the Independents think he's a wimp. Prior to reading
Andrew's article "The Long Game", I would have agreed with all of the above. Maybe my greatest hesitation is that I do see Obama as the "other side of the fence".
But dear GOP, what option have you left me?