William Faloon of Life Extension magazine points out, foods that have little to no redeeming value are advertised endlessly, often with dubious health claims attached. For example, Frito-Lay is permitted to make all kinds of claims about its fat-laden, fried products, including that Lay’s potato chips are “heart healthy.” Faloon concludes that “the FDA obviously does not want the public to discover that they can reduce their risk of age-related disease by consuming healthy foods. They prefer consumers only learn about mass-marketed garbage foods that shorten life span by increasing degenerative disease risk.”
Faloon thinks he knows why this is the case. First, by stifling competition from makers of more healthful alternatives, junk food manufacturers, who he says “heavily lobb[y]” the federal government for favorable treatment, will rake in ever greater profits. Second, by making it less likely that Americans will consume healthful foods, big pharmaceutical companies and medical device manufacturers stand to gain by selling more “expensive cardiac drugs, stents, and coronary bypass procedures” to those made ill by their diets.
In its latest effort to spread fear and hate, the Ministry of Love, also known as the Department of Homeland Security, has produced an Orwellian new video intended to encourage Americans to rat each other out.
Let us assume that at some point in the future, Congress will pass and the President will sign three bills. These three laws would strip power from the United States government on a scale inconceivable even to the Tea Party's hard core members. They would be very short laws.
The United States Government hereby abolishes the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and all subsequent laws relating to that Act.
The deadline for filing all Federal income taxes will shift in the next fiscal year from April 15 to the first Monday of November.
Withholding for all Federal taxes is hereby abolished.
Think of what this would mean. First, the central bank of the United States would become just one more over-leveraged bank – the most over-leveraged bank in the country. It would no longer possess a grant of privilege from the United States government. Members of the Board of Governors would no longer be paid by the U.S. government, nor would any other employees of the Board. The Board would have to abandon its Web address: www.federalreserve.gov. No more ".gov."
Second, the voters would be reminded in every Congressional election year just how much money the government is costing them. They would no longer have from mid-April to early November to forget.
If all Federal income taxes were due on the same day, this day would become the most feared and hated day of the year, assuming that it isn't already. I ask: Why not have this day fall on the day before Federal elections?
Personal income tax forms must be mailed by April 15. Think about this date. Before they vote in November, taxpayers have almost seven months to forget about tax misery day the previous April, and their next form-filing day will not come for almost six months. Out of sight, out of mind.
I say, let every citizen recall his previous day's tax filing and check-writing experience when he steps into the polling booth to cast his vote. Let democracy speak!
Third, taxpayers would have to adopt a program of personal voluntary thrift in order to set aside the money they owe to the government. Every payday, they would have to take steps to prepare for the Day of Reckoning. No longer would the government get the use of the public's money interest-free for a year. No longer would the government be able to position itself as a provider of nice refunds: "free money!" No longer would the government force people to reveal their whereabouts in order to get their refunds.
A run is a mass withdrawal of cash funds from a borrower. We are in the midst of a continuing worldwide credit crisis, punctuated by "runs" of varying prominence and publicity.
These runs are rational, not panics and not due to quirks of psychology. They occur when investors realize that their funds are endangered in an institution. They try to get them out before they lose them.
The danger comes when the institution no longer is getting cash inflows in sufficient amounts to pay off all its obligations. In businesses, this comes about through sour investments. In governments, it comes about through wasteful spending that fails to be recovered in tax revenues.
The U.S. government has no credibility in terms of restoring America. The government is living off its past reputation, like a once great entertainer grown tired and going through the motions.
Under these conditions, trust in the dollar and all the other fiat currencies that are linked to the dollar will continue downwards.
Unless there is a change in these conditions, someday there will be a run on the United States government. I see nothing that suggests a change in these conditions.
"[W]hen you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing; when you see that money is flowing to those who deal not in goods, but in favors; when you see that men get rich more easily by graft than by work, and your laws no longer protect you against them, but protect them against you. . . you may know that your society is doomed."
We are at the very beginning of our nation's most important Presidential election season in history. Historically in all Presidential elections, taxation has always been one of the top issues. The Republicans always call for lower taxes, while the Democrats say we should tax the rich more and cut taxes on the poor and middle class.
The truth is, taxation today means nothing when the real U.S. budget deficit is now more than twice the government's total tax receipts. Taxation is used to distract U.S. citizens as the Federal Reserve prints trillions of dollars out of thin air, stealing from the incomes and savings of all Americans.
NIA's number one goal during the next year is to educate as many Americans as possible to the truth about the U.S. economy so that come the 2012 Republican primaries and general Presidential election, inflation is the number one issue on everybody's minds.
Most importantly, lets not view the Constitution as gospel. Countries, people, systems, technology evolves. As they do, its important to see what from the past is good and what can be discarded.
I’m talking about the Legislative Branch in our system of checks and balances. It costs us billions a year, its fully corrupt, and is taking perhaps hundreds of billions of dollars out of our economy through inefficient allocations.